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High-Quality Marble Countertops in Richmond

Whether you are moving to a new house or planning to renovate your kitchen in Richmond, Rightway Stone Art can assist you! We carry a wide selection of marble slabs to choose from. Marble stones are cherished for their luxurious and sophisticated appearance. They are a popular choice and are installed in many kitchens and bathrooms.

For quality marble and service, contact Rightway Stone Art in Richmond. For us, our customers are our number one priority. Feel free to call us for more information about our selection of marble countertops. We would be happy to help you!

marble countertops

Benefits of Marble Countertops

  • Unique: No two marbles/marble slabs are the same, so each countertop is one-of-a-kind.
  • Variety: They come in various colours and veining patterns to suit classic and modern kitchens.
  • Durable: Marble countertops have exceptional resistance to heat, making them safe for your home.

Types of Marbles

Marble is a metamorphic rock with a high concentration of calcite or dolomite. The variations of marbles are based on the minerals which provide their colour and veining patterns. Below is a list of marble stones on the market you can choose for your kitchen countertop.

Carrara Marble

Carrara is one of the popular types of marble stones used as the kitchen and bathroom countertops. It can also be used for floors and wall tiles. It usually comes in white and is also available in blue-gray or gray colour. Carrara marbles have linear veining patterns that are feathery soft and fine. They are preferred for their stark white and pristine look.

Statuary Marble

Statuary marble is another popular marble slab that is used for kitchen countertops. It is semi-translucent white marble and has light gray vein patterns. It is reflective and glossy.

Calacatta Marble

It is another white marble that is rare and expensive. Calacatta comes with thick gold or gray veining patterns against the white background. These distinct variations make Calacatta marble look more dramatic than others. It also gives a more luxurious look compared to Carrara.

Nero Marquina Marble

Unlike commonly found white marbles, Nero Marquina is a deep black marble stone with white veining patterns. It is known for its high-quality and refined grains. Nero Marquina marble offers elegance to your kitchens and bathrooms with its black and white look.

Crema Marfil Marble

Crema Marfil marble comes in various neutral colours, from light beige to yellow. It has irregular veining patterns, making it a great choice for people who want a warm and subtle look.

marble countertops

How to Maintain Marble Countertops

There is no doubt that marble countertops are beautiful and durable. Marble is softer than other materials. However, you would have to maintain it properly to keep the kitchen shining all around the year. Regular maintenance and cleaning can make your marble countertops last for years to come. Here are some tips to help maintain your marble countertops:

  • Always start cleaning your marble countertops with a gentle countertop cleaner.
  • Thoroughly wipe your countertops to remove any food stains or leftovers.
  • Marble is more porous than other stones, so choose a suitable sealer.
  • When you have a big spill, you must remove them immediately to avoid deep stains.
  • Avoid acidic substances to prevent etching that can make the countertop dull.

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